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Time out at the Virtual Welcome Center

Saturday virtual chat group with 3 youth leaders from the University and 4 elders in our program. My thoughts on what we talked about. Enjoy!

Roxanne Cheney

1/30/20242 min read

First, I would like to say how much I personally miss Don Rapske's leadership in the VWC Program. He helped to structure each meeting, coordinated messages with participants, led us faithfully in prayer at the end of each VWC session. Several other regular participants have also said how much he is missed. One of our student leaders affirmed today that Don's presence had significantly impacted the flow of conversation, and he missed someone functioning in the 'observer' role, no one ever reflects on the tone of the conversation any longer. We are hoping he returns after his sabbatical, which he critically needs, to re-assume the leadership role of the Virtual Welcome Center.

Today, Cheryl Clay facilitated our gathering. Her willingness to assume this role, helped us all immensely!

We had 3 student leaders from University of Kentucky today, so introductions were encouraged. The students led us in discussing a few of the safety concerns while living or learning at the University. ACP recommended that the Student Government be advised, and take this issue up as a priority for change.

Cheryl initiated the discussion of loneliness, and how much our group has helped. She identified that Pastor Laura had recently made a home visit with her and how very pleased she was. (For those who do not know, Pastor Laura is an Associate Director on our Board, and has provided spiritual support to several of our participants). Several of us shared how loneliness was a huge issue as one aged, as losses seemed to be happening quicker, and it was difficult to make friends (friendliness vs friend).

Finally, we ended with a conversation about our health care system, specifically Emergency Room services. Several shared their concerns about lack of effective patient education, lack of recommendations about follow-up care and assistance as needed to obtain, and lack of effective communication mechanisms between the ER practitioner and the Community provider.

As you can see, it was a great conversation which gave us all something to ponder as we gathered in prayer to close out the group until the next time we met.

Hope more and more can join this very enjoyable time, as we gather in communion with each other. We are here every Saturday at 10 am.